Accommodations by Region

farm house
Podere Barbaglia - Pescina - Seggiano (GR)
CIN: n.c.*
Codice regionale: n.c.*
8 photos
is located in countryside in mountain area

The small-holding is in the midst of the countryside, surrounded by the biologically cultivated fields of the farm and by pine and chestnut woods that are typical of the area. It ‘s not unusual to see roe deer crossing the fields at sunset or the more timid porcupines or badgers or wild boar or even a furtive fox. The area it is completely uncontaminated and visitors can see all types of birds in the trees as well as falcons and buzzards circling up in the sky, watch the fireflies in summer and little clouds of butterflies in spring. The place is ideal for bird-watching enthusiasts, trekkers

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The property offers accommodation for a minimum of 2 nights and it has 14 bed places

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Distance from Lucashouse to:

(Using public transportation)
Seaside: 45 minutes
Railway Station: 45 minutes
Airport: 120 minutes

*n.c. = non comunicato, in attesa di comunicazione da parte dell'inserzionista
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