Accommodations by Region

"da Matì "
bed and breakfast
Via Zara N., 6 - Campobello Di Mazara (TP)
CIN: n.c.*
Codice regionale: n.c.*
9 photos
is located near the sea

Managers ensure reimbursement of expenses with a modest transport from Palermo or Trapani Birgi to the structure and vice versa, and possibly a visit to the archaeological sites of the area. Palermo is 90 km and 50 km Trapani. Agrigento 90 Km.

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Managers in periods of calm offering maximum user support long walks in the countryside to the sea and rich barbecue in the country acccompagnato everything from local wine and organic products... more

The property offers accommodation for a minimum of 1 nights and it has 9 bed places


Single min € 25 max € 30,double min € 50 max € 60,single use min € 30 max € 40.

( No Booking Fees )
See map ▼
Distance from "da Matì " to:

(Using public transportation)
Seaside: 10 minutes
Railway Station: 5 minutes
Airport: 30 minutes

*n.c. = non comunicato, in attesa di comunicazione da parte dell'inserzionista
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