Accommodations by Region


Things To Do In Molise

based on what people are looking for (*)
Molise, located in central Italy, offers a variety of attractions and activities for visitors to enjoy. The region is home to several top attractions, including the Area Archeologica di Saepinum, a fascinating archaeological site, and the War Museum WinterLine Venafro, which provides insight into the region's history during World War II....continue further down

Residence Molise
San Polo Matese (CB)
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Rocchetta A Volturno (IS)
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Capracotta Alto Molise
Capracotta (IS)
is located in a populated area in mountain area near: ski facilities
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Agriturismo I Casali di Colle Monte
San Giuliano Di Puglia (CB)
is located in countryside
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Hotel Acquario
Campomarino Lido (CB)
is located in a populated area near: Seaside
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B&B Greta
is located in a populated area
Located in Campobasso, in Molise, B&B Greta is a bed and breakfast with free Wi-Fi. Located on the second floor of an ancient building without a lift, the apartment has been recently renovated. The... Ask for Information >

B&B il Palazzo Vecchio
Centro Storico
is located in a populated area
property located in the historic center of Campobasso in an elegant building dating back to 1500.Has 4 bedrooms, with en suite bathroom, TV, wi fi, beautifully decorated in Art Nouveau style with... Ask for Information >
Le Due Arcate
San Massimo (CB)
is located in a populated area in mountain area near: ski facilities
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B&B da Mary
Matrice (CB)
is located in a populated area in mountain area near: ski facilities
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Agriturismo Le Caiazzane
Pozzilli (IS)
is located in countryside
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Things to do in molise

Molise, located in central Italy, offers a variety of attractions and activities for visitors to enjoy. The region is home to several top attractions, including the Area Archeologica di Saepinum, a fascinating archaeological site, and the War Museum WinterLine Venafro, which provides insight into the region's history during World War II.

The Santuario dell'Addolorata di Castelpetroso is another must-visit destination, known for its divine light. Nature lovers will appreciate the Foce Fiume Trigno, a beautiful spot for bike touring, and the Montedimezzo wildlife reserve, which offers the opportunity to explore the stunning landscapes. The region is also dotted with charming historic villages, such as Castel San Vincenzo and Civitacampomarano, where visitors can immerse themselves in the rich history and culture of Molise. Whether you're interested in history, nature, or simply enjoying the beauty of the region, Molise has something for everyone to enjoy.
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