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Montella Italy Chestnut Festival

based on what people are looking for (*)
The Montella Chestnut Festival is a highly anticipated event in the town of Montella, Italy. Held in November, it attracts visitors from all over Campania who come to indulge in the delicious local cuisine and celebrate the region's famous chestnuts....continue further down

Montella italy chestnut festival

The Montella Chestnut Festival is a highly anticipated event in the town of Montella, Italy. Held in November, it attracts visitors from all over Campania who come to indulge in the delicious local cuisine and celebrate the region's famous chestnuts.

The festival offers a wide variety of dishes, from first courses to desserts, all showcasing the unique flavors of the Montella chestnut. With over 100 stands, attendees can explore and sample a range of traditional gastronomic products. The festival also features local wines and offers complete meals at affordable prices. It is a must-visit event for food lovers and a great opportunity to immerse oneself in the vibrant culture of Montella.
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