Accommodations by Region


Lucca Italy

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Lucca, located in Tuscany, Italy, is a charming city known for its rich history and picturesque scenery. With its location near the Ligurian Sea, Lucca offers both mountain and seaside exploration opportunities....continue further down

Lucca italy

Lucca, located in Tuscany, Italy, is a charming city known for its rich history and picturesque scenery. With its location near the Ligurian Sea, Lucca offers both mountain and seaside exploration opportunities.

It is easily accessible by train, making it a perfect day trip destination from Florence. Lucca is famous for its attractions, including Fattoria al Dotto, Le mura di Lucca, Torre Guinigi, Palazzo Pfanner, and Piazza Anfiteatro. The city is also renowned for its intact Renaissance walls, which have protected it since Roman times. With its nickname as "the city of 100 churches," Lucca offers a glimpse into its religious heritage. Visitors can enjoy the peaceful and beautiful atmosphere of Lucca, making it a must-visit destination in Tuscany. Additionally, Pasticceria Taddeucci, a historic café dating back to 1881, is a popular spot to indulge in delicious treats.
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