Accommodations by Region


Free Language School Comune Di Milan

based on what people are looking for (*)
The Comune di Milano (City of Milan) offers free Italian language courses for individuals who want to learn or improve their Italian skills. These courses are held at various locations, including Via Fleming....continue further down

Free language school comune di milan

The Comune di Milano (City of Milan) offers free Italian language courses for individuals who want to learn or improve their Italian skills. These courses are held at various locations, including Via Fleming.

To participate, individuals need to register on the Municipality's website and take a free entry test at one of their schools. The courses are available for different levels, including A1 and A2 for foreigners. Additionally, there are other language schools in Milan that offer Italian courses, such as Abarekà Nandree onlus. The University of Milan SLAM also offers free Italian language courses for international students. Overall, there are many options available for individuals who want to study Italian in Milan.
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