Accommodations by Region


What To See In Teramo

based on what people are looking for (*)
Teramo, a charming city in Italy's Province of Teramo, offers a variety of attractions and activities for visitors to enjoy. From the stunning Duomo di Santa Maria Assunta to the historic Castello della Monica, there is no shortage of sights to see....continue further down

Case Vacanze Giuliana
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Affittacamere Villa Pompa
Campli (TE)
is located in a populated area in countryside in mountain area near: Seaside the lake
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Appartamento Patrizia
Martinsicuro (TE)
is located near: Seaside
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Aurora B&B
Montorio Al Vomano (TE)
is located in a populated area in mountain area near: the lake ski facilities
Aurora B&B is located in Montorio al Vomano, TE. It`s directed by a family, so it can offer you privacy, confidentiality and kindness, along with private room. We offer a private bathroom for each... Ask for Information >
Cataleya Resort & Spa
Notaresco (TE)
Cataleya Resort & Spa is a new structure in Notaresco in the province of Teramo, immersed in the green hills of Abruzzo and enjoys a magnificent view: sea, Majella and Gran Sasso. Cataleya has duplex... Ask for Information >
International Camping Torre Cerrano
Torre Cerrano
Pineto (TE)
is located near: Seaside
Camping directly on the sand beach Ask for Information >

Affitto Appartamento a Giulianova
Pineta Fronte Mare
Giulianova (TE)
is located near: Seaside
Giulianova apartment sea view for 4 people. Located in new and beautiful Residence at only 50 metres from the sea promenade in Giulianova (Abruzzo Region), Casa vacanze Riva del sole is a... Ask for Information >
Palazzina Il Ventaglio
Villa Rosa
Martinsicuro (TE)
is located in a populated area near: Seaside
Villa ROSA di Martinsicuro for the summer we rent three-room apartments from 4 to 6 beds in a new building a few meters from the sea. The apartments are well furnished, all equipped with balcony and... Ask for Information >
Residence il Triangolo
Cologna Spiaggia
Roseto Degli Abruzzi (TE)
is located near: Seaside
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Casale Il Baronetto
San Giorgio
Castiglione Messer Raimondo (TE)
is located in countryside
Eco-Holidays between Sea and Mountains of Abruzzo We respect the environment while minimizing waste and CO2 emissions, actively supporting alternative energies by encouraging education about... Ask for Information >

Special Offers

Promotional Offer June Children's Offer in Alba Adriatica (TE)
Throughout the month of June, children up to 2 years of age are free of charge... more
-10% Promotional Offer Book early in Tortoreto (TE)
If you book for the month of May (minimum 3 nights) you will get a 10% discount on the entire duration of your stay... more

-50% Promotional Offer Family offer. in Tortoreto Lido (TE)
Reservation, with 2 adults and 2 children you pay only 1.... more
-5% Promotional Offer Discount for the first quarter of June in Tortoreto Lido (TE)
Discount for bookings before the fortnight of June. ... more

What to see in teramo

Teramo, a charming city in Italy's Province of Teramo, offers a variety of attractions and activities for visitors to enjoy. From the stunning Duomo di Santa Maria Assunta to the historic Castello della Monica, there is no shortage of sights to see.

Families with kids can explore the Fortezza di Civitella del Tronto and its museum, or visit the picturesque town of Campli with its Holy Stair. The Teramano Coast and the Pontifical Sanctuary of the Holy Stairs are must-see destinations, offering both sacredness and beauty. Whether you're interested in shopping, history, or simply relaxing by the sea, Teramo and its surroundings have something for everyone to enjoy.
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